Whether it's a way to track workouts, chart the nighttime stars, or build a new reality and battle for world domination, Google Play gives developers a platform to create engaging apps and games and build successful businesses. Key to that mission is maintaining the safety and integrity of Google Play as a trusted source of high quality apps for users to find and experience apps and games to enjoy. To support this effort and keep an even playing field for developers, Google Play has policies in place about what is and isn’t allowed on Google Play.

Dive deeper into Google Play policy
Introduction to Intellectual Property
Comply with Google Play store listing policies
Communicate government information through apps
Comply with Google Play’s UGC policy
Keep users informed with prominent disclosures
Build privacy-friendly apps
Declared permissions and in-app disclosures
Declare your use of foreground services
Plan and prepare for app review times
Make your app available for review
Manage policy violations
Comply with Google Play's Health Apps policy
Comply with Google Play's Photo and Video Permissions policy
Understand Google Play's AI-Generated Content policy
Child Safety Standards for Google Play